Thursday, November 8, 2007

November Update

It is so hard to believe that we are already into November. The first semester of school is over and Thanksgiving is on its way. We've been through a mountain of changes with my husband changing jobs, gutting the old kitchen and tomorrow we start laying the new oak flooring in the soon to be dining room. We need to hurry this along in order to be able to put in the wood stove, right now we have no room in the living room to install it.
I have decided to change to blogger just because,,,number 1 reason is because I rarely post and with typepad I'm throwing money out the window. I will be leaving my job at Lowe's in Jan. due to my hubby's new insurance. I can't work anywhere with part time benefits and still be on his health insurance---what a bummer..I really like Lowe's...


Paula said...

Hey Cynthia! I've been wondering about you a lot lately. Glad to hear that everything is going well, except of course that you have to leave Lowe's. That's too bad.
Glad you're back!

Unknown said...

I've wondering about you, too, Cynthia!! I'm glad you are well. *hugs*