Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Goodies

I know it has been forever since I posted last. Classes really got me bogged down, but now this semester is over and I aced them so I can relax and enjoy until Jan.Can you believe that Christmas is just around the corner???
I sure can't I have spent the last two weeks baking banana breads, oatmeal raisin cookies, sugar cookies, toffee peanut, and ginger cookies. Tomorrow I just may make some apple cookies that I spied a recipee for.
Tomorrow I will post of pics of gifts made for Christmas gifts.
Looks like I'll be unwrapping that apron I whipped up today so I can get a picture of it.
Take care Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I can hardly believe the kids have been in school for two weeks already. I started classes again just this week. I had 2 classes left to finish my AS in accounting, but the criteria changed and now I have 4 left. BUMMER!!! So now my mission is to get it over with. I am currently in Macroeconomics and Public Speaking. Next is Quick books and Life Skills (can you believe at my age I have to take a life skills class? I really think I should teach it)
Anywho, Kaylee is now a first grader and Titus is in kindergarten. Both are doing very well. Titus has tested at the top of his class for counting, letter( upper and lowercase) recognition and knowing their sounds. Very impressive for being autistic. Poor little fellow missed two days this week due to a cough and low fever.
Naturally our garden is just starting to really produce and I have tons of projects, like the impending load of homework yet to arrive. I've canned salsa(2batches), green beans(4qts.), several batches of pickles, and also several quarts of summer squash with tomato and onion. Oh yes and a batch of pickled beans. Now I'm staring at half bushel of tomatoes, and a couple dozen cukes. I have a class tomorrow night, kindergarten duty friday morning and we leave for camping Friday night. basically that gives me one morning. Maybe I'll flip a coin to decide what to do next, even though I know the tomatoes are probably the ripest. Take care!!!

Friday, July 11, 2008



Monday, June 30, 2008


What good friends these two are, born just one day apart. So cute together!!
While his Mamma was in South Dakota on a missions trip and Daddy was at work we had him for a few little visits, the kids all had fun together!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Weeding the garden is always so much fun. Especially the early weedings. It took me two hours to get the weeds out of the veggies today. It is really the first weeding since we got our garden in later than usual. We are still having 50 degree nights. I could go for a summer like this for the next three months. I know it won't happen that way though. The evenings have been wonderful.
I finished 2 swim tops for kaylee, fixed several pair of swim trunks for the kids ( they are so skinny I took them in or added elastic), finished hemming pants and many repairs on play clothes, i feel like I accomplished quite a bit the last few days.

Monday, June 23, 2008


The new bow window is in place, finally after getting it home and finding it was 4 inches larger than expected. Steven had to rip out the frame work and re-frame it. Which took three extra days... Thank the Lord for his two oldest boys that came over, again and again to help us put it in. They also helped erect the scaffolding so Steven could take the siding down on the house. Now he needs to remove wood near the upstairs to frame in for the window that will let light into the hallway. Big mistake not doing that when it was constructed. Woo-hoo!!!
I have got the garden planted, made sister a necklace, hemmed hubby's pants, and am heading to do several more alterations on the kids'
clothes. I also need to whip up some swim tops, sort toys, make more bread and somewhere in there balance the check book, not my favorite task. Anyway I better hit the hay, kids will be up before you know it. Take care!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


I am so glad today is over..
I finished up the strawberries, with three batches of jam and a pie. I also made a loaf of whole wheat bread in the machine. The bread flopped big time. I don't think the bread machine is working right. It didn't seem to get warm at all until the bake cycle so it didn't rise. You know how to second guess yourself when using these gadgets that are supposed to be helpful. I should have known better.
At any rate, Sunday I whipped up three preemie outfits for a friend, and naturally I forgot to take pictures.
We are awaiting the call that our bow window is ready so we can install it. The framing is in and the electric almost done in the dining room. We still need to frame in the window for the upstairs hallway too.
Two Sundays ago we paid to have two of our huge oak trees topped and limbs dropped so we could cut them the rest of the way down. Our backyard looks like a tornado went through and everyday we clean a little more up, cut and drag, carry throw or whatever. We also put the garden in the last week or so. Lots of tomatoes, beans, peas, radishes and lettuce. This means of course we must get the electric fence the rest of the way up or the critters will wipe it out.
In the meantime the kids have swim lessons every day for two weeks, it's only a couple miles away and early in the morning so it's not too bad. Our church has decided to hold two services at once, one contemporary one traditional, with the pastors sermon being piped into the all purpose building for the contemp. service. I just started leading worship on occasion and am eager to lead two services a month. I have wonderful people to work with, who love music and are also eager to worship God with their talents. This means I will be doing much less piano playing and much more singing, Yahoo!!!
Well I better get to bed i kept the kiddies up much too late and we need to hit the road early. Take Care!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Isn't he just too cute?
Daddy decided to amuse the little ones with an orange disguised as a pumpkin.

Anywho, anybody out there ever heard of lavender lily of the valley?
Mine have gone that color over the last few years, and I can find nothing online about them, not all mine have turned but a good number of them has. I ran an add on Craig's list for 10 plants @ $5 but now I'm having second thoughts. Some guy wants to buy a huge quantity and I wonder why. Pink ones are $8 each!!! And considered rare, could I be so lucky to have a rare plant right in my own yard? or are they rejects of some kind?
I hoping to find out something soon. the blooming season is about over.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I realize it has been a month of no postings, but I have been so busy trying to get organized, it has been impossible. Been busy with music at church, filling in as worship leader and baby showers, bridal showers,& teaching. I also volunteer time at the school a couple days a week. Lately we have been busy trying to find a 4x4 v-8,truck that fits us. Do you realize how hard it is to find a standard or long bed on a truck??? We have been told over and over that there just aren't many of them. One guy told me that guys want to drive a truck they just don't use them like a truck. What is the point of having one? Of course when you take into consideration that we need at least a jump seat or an extended cab because of two car seats it narrows down the choices. I couldn't believe my eyes with gas hitting 4 dollars a gallon yesterday. Luckily we plan on using the truck for camping and hauling, not for running all over town. We'd go broke for sure.Hopefully with school out soon there'll be more posting. Take care.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I am finally getting around to posting pics of the baby items, one set for a girl and the other for a boy.
I made the bonnet for the boy reversible, and included a close up of the booties to show the detail on the flannel.
Next step a quickie quilt!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Ah, finally some progress.
11 pairs, it would be better if I could figure out what I did with the other 6 yards of elastic that I had in my hand a couple of days ago. Then I could really finish the last 5 pairs.

Next project-baby booties and hat/bonnet.

After some homework though. What a bummer, I can't wait until this class is over with...4 more weeks!!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


We have been having so much fun, the weather here is finally warming up and yesterday we celebrated Titus' 5th birthday.
He chatters about Chucke Cheese quite a bit so that is where we ended up. At first he no inkling get close to the singing puppets, but it didn't take long and he was dancing his heart out. Forget the games and mini rides..Titus wanted to see Chucke.
It was worth every minute of painfully corny music to see him hop in bed with a great big smile on his face. Of course most of his gifts were CARS themed, including the McQueen/Mater mini quilt I whipped up for him. It was so simple too! Two yards of coordinating fabric and some batting. He promptly ditched the Spiderman comforter off his bed in favor of the quilt. Funny thing is I thought he'd get rid of his ratty old afghan and use the little quilt, but no he pitched the big comforter, covering up with his new blanket that barely covers him. I should have known to make at least a twin size blanket :)
I have also been working on making shorts for the kids. I already had fabric and a pattern so I thought I'd whip up several pairs. Then out of the blue the opportunity to make a baby gift popped up so this week I'll hopefully be putting together some booties and bonnet for a little boy. I'll post pictures later...Take care.

Monday, March 24, 2008


I am finally getting around to posting pictures of the final 3 Dotee Dolls.

Also I've included pictures of 2 sweater purses made a little while ago. Kaylee uses hers to keep her Littlest Pet Shop toys in.

Friday, March 21, 2008


I have completed several of the Dotee dolls for the teachers. It's a shame they won't get them until Monday. Both punkin's have double ear infections, so we were at the doctor's office instead of school. Aren't their little backsides just too cute?

Thursday, March 13, 2008


It is hard to believe that Easter is just around the corner. Luckily I planned a bit ahead and picked these books up a couple months ago for the kiddies baskets.

I found them at the Salvation Army Store. I did have to clean them up a bit but for 99 cents, where else you going to get write on wipe off talking books?

Yesterday I finally stopped by a local bead shop-right up the road from me--ooh, lah, lah, simply divine. It has been open at least a year and I wish I would have stopped sooner. The beads are out of this world and resonably priced. I found these for making kaylee a necklace. She is so into red and kitties.

For myself I bought these...

Actually the white one I bought to make my sister a necklace for her birthday. She collects the glass hens on nest or whatever they're called. I better run school is out shortly.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dotee Dolls

Oh yes we have been busy. whipped up some small items like this Dotee doll for Kaylee, her request a mermaid with pom poms, if you get my drift. The Dotee doll is inspired by Dot @ http://dotslifeandart.blogspot.com/ .

Of course I just have to make some for the teachers. I need 8 for all them so I will have lots of fun experimenting. Here are some in progress.

Here are a couple of preemie outfits that I made and sent off in a recent swap. I just love tiny little clothes. These would fit a 2-4 pounder.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Well the pincushion is done for my brother, I just can't decide whether I like it or not. I suppose I still could take it apart and mount it onto a photo album .

Chances are that it'll stay the way it is. I have an awful head cold and am so congested I can hardly breathe. We have a tire on the van going flat so I should really take it in for two new tires on the front, but that decision will have to wait. Titus' fever is back.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Well we somehow made it through today. I was up most of last night keeping an eye on Titus. Daddy came down and relieved me around 3 in the morning. Titus' influenza test came back positive so most likely that's what kaylee's been dealing with. Finally around 3PM I was able to get around better and do some studying. Titus' fever broke in the early afternoon but Kaylee's is still hanging on which makes it day six. Well I better get some sleep while the kids are getting some shut eye.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Doctor's visits

Well today has not been fun. Yesterday I had to take Kayelee to the doc because her fever shot up. That turned out to be a sinus infection. We knew Titus was coming down with the congestion also, so we made sure he had the humidifier on and put vicks on his feet.
This morning he woke up with #2 all over the place, then the fever kicked in 101 then up to 103. We gave him tylenol then I ran upstairs to put away some things and Steven shouted to come downstairs. He was holding a limp Titus in his arms trying to get him to breathe. He found him with blue lips and eyes rolled back into his head, drooling he was either breathin very shallow or not at all. So of course we were off to the doc again. Then we had to go to the hospital to have a nasal swab to determine if it is the flu and we were given strict orders to keep a very close eye on him( like they had to tell us) It is so scary I want to cry.

Friday, February 22, 2008


Last night I stayed up past the time when everybodyelse went to bed and within one hour after going to bed, I was arroused by cries from Kaylee's room. She has had a tummy ache for nearly 2 weeks-on again off again. Then the cough started, now her head aches and the fever she's had since Tues. is just over 101. I guess there'll be no kindergarten today. But it looks like another run to the doctor. My poor little princess was crying last night and telling me she was sorry because she just couldn't help it. So very sad. She missed the field trip to the planetarium too! It's what I get for staying up too late. It seems like whenever I stay up to tend to blogging or crafting I get no sleep at all..you think I'd learn!

Thursday, February 21, 2008


My new header is one of my favorite pictures of my mom. It was taken in the late 30's. She's the blonde Indian. Her name is Joyce and her friend is named Joyce. Priceless.....


AHH...the old blue bus

What fun we had camping in it- before the days of the Layton trailer.

I am working on my brother's

birthday present. Mom said he likes the pincushion I made her of the Layton,and he's always talking about the bus. She suggested a pincushion but I'm kicking around the idea of covering a photo album or perhaps a mini sewing kit with scissors, thread, needles etc...Roger does do his own mending. I know a pincushion would work out and be less work and I could make it so he could hang it if he likes.
Decisions, decisions tsk.tsk.
I was able to get some work done on my algebra this morning, would have been nicer if I wouldn't have gotten half of them wrong. I thought I had a pretty good handle on it, so I guess it means I need more practice. I've already selected several pages to work on tomorrow.
We have been very busy this week, running every night. Tomorrow night is the sweetheart spaghetti dinner at church, so I can't wait until Saturday it'll be a break to stay put. Sunday after church is the Adult Bible Fellowship luncheon and we're committed to bringing rolls so that is one project that I'll definately be working on Sat.
I have been busy updating my blogroll and am itching to start some new projects, but that probably won't happen too soon.
Titus has made remarkable strides this week, it looks as though there is hope in getting him off babyfood. He turns 5 in April so it's about time. With autism you just can't rush some things. You have to pick your battles. Tonight he ate ham and pineapple. You can tell when he likes something because he hums while chewing. First time for ham, last week he had pancakes another first, he also had real spaghetti(with sauce and burger). tonight he even said "try again" asking for more ham. Kindergarten next year will be a real challenge, and we have the choice of half or full day. Chances are very good that we'll be allowed to ease him into the full day thingy. If we wait til first grade it would probably be a disaster.
anyway I'm hitting the sack so maybe I can get an early start tomorrow.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


I have been so busy lately, I made handmade valentines for the grandmothers. Heart cakes for the kindergarten(bottom pic.), sucker wraps for Kaylee's class(in place of valentines), drawstring bags for Titus and Kaylee(top picture-fabric compliments of Aunt Lu), algebra homework, and a Bible journal for a swap I signed up for over at swap bot.

Pitty I took no pictures of the handmade valentines. They were fabric covered cardboard hearts with pics of the kids mounted on top with beads around the edges. I used wonderunder to adhere the fabric to the cardboard and it worked beautifully.
Today is gymnastics for kaylee so I better get going.
Take care.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Monday Morning

I am truley traced out. Translation: my hand has cramped up so onto other projects!
TA, TA!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Good evening, I know that Sunday is intended to be a day of rest, but when the week has been so slow it seems a shame to ignore things that really need to be done. I have been desperately trying to get my bedroom organized. Mainly the area around our closets. Fabric, craft items, paperwork, odds and ends of every sort, you get the idea, just had to be taken care of. We didn't go to church in light of the kids coughing so bad and the temp below zero. My school work is done and we even had several hours of shrinky dink fun this evening.
I had this great idea to trace Disney Cars characters and turn them into magnets. Well...that is what we did. Do you realize how long it really takes to color those little boogers?? Looks like this may take several days so we can do Bambi, princesses, and whatever strikes our fancy. I know I should be sewing or something, but I do love to color.
Take care!

Friday, January 18, 2008


I can't believe it, could it be so? Have I really entered the 21st century? 'Bout time eh? I have a TV in the kitchen as well as an undermount radio/cd player AND (this is the big one) DSL --It's a miracle it works like a dream - I am shocked at how much faster it is than dial up..!!!!

When I went to class Monday and found out that it is required to turn in homework via the internet, I figured no biggie I'll go home and sign in etc... then when it said it required high speed internet access I about had a cow. I knew then it was time, and I am sooooo happy....

This is part of the newest shrinky dink experiments. I hope to have this together within the next few days. Take care.

Friday, January 11, 2008


Do you ever wonder why it is when situations in life change and you think you'll have more time to play, you never get around to it???? I have had a full seven days off and still have yet to conquer a craft project. I do believe it may have something to do with cramming so much into the schedule that I cut myself short.
Monday, after dropping the kids at school, I headed into college to pay for class and get my book. That took a full two hours (including drive time). Tuesday I had to go to the courthouse to get a copy of our marriage liscense, to prove eligibility for health insurance, naturally I had spent at least 3 hours searching for it at home. Like how often do you need that anyway? Probably way back when I changed over my social security card, nearly 8 years ago. We also decided that we would put the kids into some activities and as luck would have it dance classes start Monday, and gymnastics started this week. Leave it to me to check on it at the last possible moment. Titus will be in dance, with his autism we felt it would be good for coordination and spacial awareness. Besides that he loves music. We believe the best therapy is to get him around other kids doing something he'll enjoy. Kaylee on the other hand, has been hankerin' for gymnastics. She has an older cousin that is very into it and Kaylee idolizes Casey. She started this past Thurs. Daddy was also an all around in gymnastics as a younger man so he has an interest in her being in gymnastics as well.
My theory is that one outside activity is enough( we're not going to count the piano lessons I give them) I know people that run their kids everywhere and that just seems insane to me. If you have the energy and money to do it that's terrific, but not me...Plus we will take the summers off.
I have an idea for a little something that will be totally experimental-hopefully snippets of that tomorrow!!!!