Thursday, June 12, 2008


I am so glad today is over..
I finished up the strawberries, with three batches of jam and a pie. I also made a loaf of whole wheat bread in the machine. The bread flopped big time. I don't think the bread machine is working right. It didn't seem to get warm at all until the bake cycle so it didn't rise. You know how to second guess yourself when using these gadgets that are supposed to be helpful. I should have known better.
At any rate, Sunday I whipped up three preemie outfits for a friend, and naturally I forgot to take pictures.
We are awaiting the call that our bow window is ready so we can install it. The framing is in and the electric almost done in the dining room. We still need to frame in the window for the upstairs hallway too.
Two Sundays ago we paid to have two of our huge oak trees topped and limbs dropped so we could cut them the rest of the way down. Our backyard looks like a tornado went through and everyday we clean a little more up, cut and drag, carry throw or whatever. We also put the garden in the last week or so. Lots of tomatoes, beans, peas, radishes and lettuce. This means of course we must get the electric fence the rest of the way up or the critters will wipe it out.
In the meantime the kids have swim lessons every day for two weeks, it's only a couple miles away and early in the morning so it's not too bad. Our church has decided to hold two services at once, one contemporary one traditional, with the pastors sermon being piped into the all purpose building for the contemp. service. I just started leading worship on occasion and am eager to lead two services a month. I have wonderful people to work with, who love music and are also eager to worship God with their talents. This means I will be doing much less piano playing and much more singing, Yahoo!!!
Well I better get to bed i kept the kiddies up much too late and we need to hit the road early. Take Care!

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