Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Well here it is already April 14th. Nearly 4 months since my last post but we've been terrribly busy. I have a couple assignments left and will be graduating May 5th (or6th) whichever is a Friday. We had a nice Easter and I now have drywall up and painted in my dining room. NEVER AGAIN will we do drywall, it nearly killed us. Although I am thrilled to have my pantry now in operation. I am still cleaning up drywall dust and have to get the dining room table back where it belongs. I did learn that I am sick of having so much stuff-move it here move it there-blah, blah, blah...it's another killer. Am gearing up for a yard sale whenever it decides to get decent enough to tolerate one.
We are planning on participating in our local Tea Party- we definately are Taxed Enough Already. It runs for 4 hours but I don't think our 6 year old can take it that long. I do want to go for a while at least. Hubby will be there longer with his older son, it's time we stop this nonsense in Washington and even locally. We watch every penny we spend and our public -so called servants- can't balance an office budget. Mr. Obama needs to realize he did not win by landslide-only by slightly more votes and we need security and morals-not more legislation. I find it completely apalling that nearly every member of his cabinet has fishy smelling backgrounds-with improprieties every where you look. They get caught on tape doing something and then claim they didn't do it. Like he didn't bow to the other ruler-Obama is supposed to be so educated-so how could he be so stupid??? Liars can not be trusted and shouldn't be tolerated.

I have come to terms with the fact that this great nation The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONE NATION UNDER GOD, may have seen her better days and it grieves me to think that my children will suffer for the sins of the rulers that have been elected to serve us. We need to teach our children as much of the Word of God as possible and prepare them for HIS honor. This reminds me of the song we sang as children " I may never march in the infantry ride in the calvery, shoot the artillery. I may never fly or'e the enemy but I'm in the Lord's army. " We should be doing this anyway but the turbulance of the end times is closing in upon us and we need to be prepared.

On a lighter note we have decided to get some laying hens, so our next project is to put up the shed we bought to house them in and figure out how we lay out the fencing and soforth. The chicks should be here in about 2 weeks. We ordered 2 turkeys, silverlaced wyandottes, easter eggers, Rhode Island reds, and black astrolorps. This should be fun and we realize it's alot of work, but hey why not???

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