Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I am so proud of my husband, he managed to get the dining room floor laid in two days. Solid oak flooring is not the easiest to work with but it looks beautiful. I'm sure he feels like it took longer being hunched over for so many hours.The next major step is to lightly sand it-this is naked oak- and put the finish on. Right now we're on a hunt for the same kind of finish the flooring company put on the other floors. And as it usually goes with our luck, that company is no longer in business so we're sort of guessing by the floor care product that they gave us to clean the floor with,,,hopefully is the same company who makes the poly finish we need to match it up with the work they did.
I am currently waiting for the call to let me know I can pick up my Brother PC. The computer went out months ago and I finally took it in to get it fixed.I don't believe I'll ever spend that kind of money on a sewing machine again...definately NOT worth the price..Well I better get the kids to school...Take care.

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