Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Here it is September of 2018 
So many changes have come in the past month.
Most I can't broadcast here but I have many more responsibilities
than I had even a mere month ago.
We are trying to get the school year off the ground.
My Ebay store is popping and stocked for the 
last quarter of the year and it looks like 
I may be getting a part time job as well.

One of my dearest friends passed away last week 
the next day the first piano teacher I ever had passed away.
Visitations and memorial services are on the agenda-
I sure hope this hub bub all lets up for a while. 

Luckily my niece had her precious little girl the
day after that - which had been a rocky pregnancy-so it was a definite
answer to prayer. What a cute little doll she turned out to be. 

All the while we are adjusting to our new church home,
meeting new people, learning new worship tunes, and learning to 
play with some really nice technology-never had the 
privilege of playing with the other instruments
and a metronome right in my ears. 
My buddy George would be so impressed-although
He wouldn't need any of that-his mantra was practice, practice, practice.

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