Saturday, February 23, 2008

Doctor's visits

Well today has not been fun. Yesterday I had to take Kayelee to the doc because her fever shot up. That turned out to be a sinus infection. We knew Titus was coming down with the congestion also, so we made sure he had the humidifier on and put vicks on his feet.
This morning he woke up with #2 all over the place, then the fever kicked in 101 then up to 103. We gave him tylenol then I ran upstairs to put away some things and Steven shouted to come downstairs. He was holding a limp Titus in his arms trying to get him to breathe. He found him with blue lips and eyes rolled back into his head, drooling he was either breathin very shallow or not at all. So of course we were off to the doc again. Then we had to go to the hospital to have a nasal swab to determine if it is the flu and we were given strict orders to keep a very close eye on him( like they had to tell us) It is so scary I want to cry.

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